I love a delicious dessert that requires only a few ingredients and no baking time! These raw, vegan, Ayurvedic Orange Blossom Coconut Macaroons with Toasted Almonds have such a beautiful citrusy, floral, nutty flavor. It checks all the bases for me – simple, satisfying, and balancing to all Ayurvedic body types!

These are the perfect treat to have for a holiday dinner, but you can enjoy them all year long. They are low sugar and low fat, as well! It satisfies the sweet tooth without greatly imbalancing the blood sugar. This dessert uses TWO highly sattvic, tridoshic ingredients: coconut and blossom flower water. Sattvic food promotes peace and balance for the body and the mind. Tridoshic food means it can be regularly enjoyed by all Ayurvedic body types.

Orange blossom water is the essence of the orange tree flower. It is calming to the mind and heart. It promotes clarity and harmony. It eases anxiety and digestion. It is a beautiful addition to a healthy, delightful dessert and can be found in Middle Eastern/Persian grocery stores. Coconut also promotes clarity of mind, as well as fertility, healthy menstruation, and glowing skin.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Enhance fertility and reproductive health
  • Soothe the nervous system
  • Fight dry or oily skin
  • Balance indigestion and constipation
  • Balance cold and dry emotions such as lethargy and anxiety
  • Balance hormones, especially reproductive system

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in these Orange Blossom Coconut Macaroons include:


High in Earth and Water energy, coconut is calming to both Pitta and Vata dosha. The meat from a young coconut can be used in smoothies for added potassium. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte source. Coconut milk is best when preservative-free and made fresh from grated coconut to maximize nutritional benefit. It is great for balancing anxiety and anger, as well as promoting healthy reproductive tissue and lactation. Dry coconut is balancing for all body types but can upset Vata dosha in excessive amounts.

Blossom Flower Water

Blossom flower water is the essence of the orange tree flower. It is calming to the mind and heart. It promotes clarity and harmony. It eases anxiety and digestion. It is a fragrant and potent source of natural flavor for desserts and grain based dishes. It balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Use in small amounts.