This Broccoli Sunflower Pesto with Brown Rice is such a simple, hearty meal, perfect for the summer and autumn seasons. It is vegan, gluten free, soy free, and nut free. It is Pitta-pacifying and Vata-pacifying, packed with grounding whole grains. It can be made Kapha-pacifying if you use millet or quinoa in place of brown rice. By returning to simple foods like this, our bodies do not require so much energy to digest our food. This leaves us with abundant energy to take on our tasks for the day and smooth digestion to keep us in balance.
Recipes like this can help if you want to:
- Enhance fertility and reproductive health
- Soothe the nervous system
- Fight dry, oily, or inflamed skin
- Balance indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation
- Balance hot and dry emotions such as anger and anxiety
- Balance out inflammations in the digestive tract, hyperacidity, or ulcers
- Balance hormones, especially reproductive system
- Keep blood sugar stable
Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients
Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this Broccoli Sunflower Pesto Brown Rice include:
Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, high in Air energy. It is excellent for reducing inflammation, bodily fat, swelling, redness, acne, heartburn, and heavy menstrual bleeding. It is one of the largest plant-based sources of calcium. It has more Vitamin C than citrus fruits by volume. It is great for balancing Pitta dosha when raw and cooked, as well as Kapha dosha when cooked. While Vata types normally cannot digest cruciferous vegetables, broccoli is the easiest for them to digest. Vata types can enjoy the benefits of broccoli if well cooked with digestive spices.
Sunflower Seeds
A tridoshic seed, sunflower seeds are great for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas when used in small to moderate amounts. They have a sweet, warming, Earthy quality. They help to build bone and muscle, reduce Pitta-type inflammation, reduce cholesterol, clearing the lungs, and clearing the lymphatic system. They are excellent for diabetics and weight loss.
Brown Rice
A whole grain, brown rice is high in Earth Energy. It is excellent for balancing Vata dosha and Pitta dosha. It helps to soothe the nervous system, improve fertility, regulate the reproductive system, reduce anxiety, and reduce anger and inflammation.
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I am Kristina Barile, CAHC, MS. I am a nationally certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and want to share the power of Ayurvedic healing with you! I created Blissfud to help you bring Ayurveda into your own home, nourish your body and mind in a natural way, and share hand-crafted plant-based recipes for every body type! For more personalized plans, I am available for private, online consultations.
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